Examples of known data errors and peculiarities


This is an incomplete list of known IMAGE data errors and peculiarities. Additional error reports can be sent to FMI contact persons.


EISCAT magnetometers (1982-1991)

Long sequences with erroneous data in one or more components even for some weeks. Most of them have now been marked as missing values.

There are also single large spikes at several sites. They will be gradually removed.

Kevo (KEV)

A jump in the baseline on September 17, 2000. It is especially clear in Y.

In early 2009, an unexplained feature appeared in the time derivative of the magnetic field. It was observed as a spin-off of a study described in
https://angeo.copernicus.org/articles/40/545/2022/ (Appendix A)

Muonio (MUO)

In 2000-2001, there has been a few cases when Y showed a similar daily baseline variation as Pello (see below). After installing a new magnetometer in June 2001, the problem has disappeared.

Pello (PEL)

Occasional (extra) daily baseline variation in X at PEL. Amplitude in the worst cases is even some 10 nT (e.g. December 29, 1994). Due to this problem, a new magnetometer was installed on June 9, 2000. It seems that the problem is now absent.


Besides clear errors, there are features which may look incorrect data, but which are obviously natural.

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Updated: 11.10.2022 - AV