(Updated 5 Dec 2000, /Pj) This directory (tela/needed) contains software packages that you may need when installing Tela from the sources. Many of these may already be installed. - The PlotMTV-1.4.4t graphics program by Kenny Toh. Yoy always need to install this in order to use graphics in Tela. If you have an old version please upgrade since some of the features in the newest Tela versions need the 1.4.4t version. (t stands for Tela. The 1.4.4 version has some slight modifications by PJ). If numbered figures do not seem to work although unnumbered figures do, please upgrade your PlotMTV. - Selected routines from double-precision LAPACK library (v1.1). You need to compile this if you do not already have LAPACK installed in your system. The Tela configuration script inserts LAPACKLIB in makeinc if known and leaves it undefined otherwise. ** For Cray UNICOS you need the single precision version from lapack1.1_sngl_for_Cray/. - Selected BLAS routines, also double-precision. Most systems where you want to use Tela will have an optimized BLAS by the OS vendor, typically it is /usr/lib/libblas.a. The Tela configuration script tries to find this, too. For architectures where no vendor-supplied BLAS exists, you can try ATLAS (http://www.netlib.org/atlas) as a drop-in replacement for BLAS. Good performance has been reported on Linux systems using Tela with Atlas. - The bison++ parser generator. (flex++ is also required, but is nowadays included under src/). - The GNU readline library. It is not included in this directory, please look for latest version in /pub/gnu in this FTP site (ftp.funet.fi). This is normally installed by default on Linux systems. - The newest addition: the SPPC (sppc-1.0.tar.gz) plot package written by PJ. This is an alternative graphics program that you may use instead of PlotMTV. It is specially designed for producing 2D panel plots for space physics and other scientific purposes; for these applications it offers more functionality and is more efficient than PlotMTV.