The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) provides real-time magnetometer data from twelve recording stations which are owned and maintained by FMI itself (KEV, MAS, KIL, IVA, MUO, PEL, RAN, OUJ, MEK, HAN, NUR, and TAR). The data in this directory was originally provided for the EU FP7 project Plasmon ( but is now in more general distribution. The data are one second time resolution real-time magnetometer data with five minute update period. The data is unchecked and will never be checked as we do not check 1 second data. Ten second checked data is available from IMAGE magnetometer web pages ( with a few months delay. The FMI magnetometer data is provided under the same conditions that apply to the Institute's open data online service ( Finnish Meteorological Institute open data are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) ( The licence requires that appropriate credit is given to the data provider. Questions and remarks about data and licencing policy may be sent to or