IMAGE magnetometer data download from unix command line

You may donwload IMAGE magnetometer data from IMAGE server with unix wget command. The url is:

You must specify three obligatory parameters:
starttimeStart time of the data set. Format: YYYYMMDD[HH].
lengthEvent length in minutes. Min = 60, max = 14400 (= 10 days).
formatData file format. Possible values are :
In addition there are some optional parameters:
stationsList of stations included in data files or plots. Default = All stations.
The list is a string of three-letter station ID codes separated by an underscrore '_'. E.g. "TRO_SOD_NUR". Some predefined sets may be used:
  • PPN-SOR : Line of stations from PPN to SOR.
  • PPN-NAL : Line of stations from PPN to NAL.
  • SVALBARD : Stations on or near Svalbard (NAL LYR HOP HOR BJN)
  • FENNOSCANDIA : Stations on continental Norway, Sweden and Finland
  • 66-71 : Stations between geographic latitudes 66° and 71°.
sample_rateTime resolution in seconds used in data files and plots. Default = 10.
Note: With IAGA files the time resolution is always at least 1 minute. With WDC files the time resolution is always 1 minute.
compressIf inluded in parameter list then the data file is compressed (gzip). Image files (jpg) are not compressed.
With magnetometer stack plot files (format = 'jpg') one may specify also:
componentMagnetic component, either X,Y or Z. Default = 'X'.
scaleScale (in nT) used in stackplots. Default = 'auto'.
Example 1: Download 1-minute IMAGE data in IAGA format for 3 days starting on March 5th, 2018. Include all stations. Store the data into file 'image_20180305.iaga'.

wget -q "" -O image_20180305.iaga

Example 2: Download stack plot of Y component for stations along PPN-NAL line for 10 days with 10-minute resolution starting on October 10th, 2019. Store the image into file 'image_20191010.Y.jpg'.

wget -q "" -O image_20191010.Y.jpg

Note: The event must not cross the midnight between 31 Oct 1992 and 01 Nov 1992, when the time resolution of the data changes from 20 s to 10 s. An error message is returned in such a case.