Accuracy of the final IMAGE data


Final IMAGE magnetometer data have undergone a process during which

The quality of the final data can thus be assumed high. Generally the user can expect that

Some IMAGE stations are permanent observatories which provide data to INTERMAGNET. They follow technical requirements documented in

Near real time data is unchecked is intended only for quick-look purposes.

Users of the data should always be critical (especially concerning timing), and PI should be informed of suspected errors. Examples of known problems at IMAGE stations are:

Generally such problems do not disturb case studies, but they can be detected especially in statistical studies. Some of the known errors cannot be easily found during the normal checking, which is more focused on single event comparison between stations.

No liability whatsoever is accepted for any loss or damage of any kind resulting from any errors or inaccuracy in the data that the IMAGE team provides.

Examples of known data errors and peculiarities

Main data page
IMAGE home page
Updated: 11.10.2022 - AV