Shortcuts to space weather forecasts
Currently active warnings and alerts [STD]
Today's space weather [NOAA/SEL]
Aurora forecast [Univ. Alaska]
Aurora forecast [Univ. Tromsø]
Geomagnetic field
AE index [IRF-Lund]
Geomagnetic forecast [IPS]
Geomagnetism Information and Forecast Service [BGS]
Kp index [IRF-Lund]
Magnetic activity review and forecast [GSC]
Australian region ionospheric forecast [IPS]
Ionospheric maps in Europe [RAL]
Ionospheric scintillation predictions [NWRA]
Bearalert [Big Bear Solar Observatory]
Solar activity monitoring and forecasting [Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic]
Solar forecast [IPS]
Space Weather Information Server
SPEE home page
17.10. 2003 - Ari Viljanen (email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi)
ESTEC contract 11974/96/NL/JG(SC) (*)