Freja charging database
The access to the updated Freja charging database is now available at
Please report about possible problems with linking etc. to ari.viljanen@fmi.fi
The stuff below belongs to the old version. Note: the old directory name "sc_charging" is changed to "sc_charging_old". The top level directory of the new data is "freja_light".
Access to the database of spacecraft charging events identified during the operation of the Freja satellite is provided. A total of 291 surface charging events have been detected. The data set can be organized according to peak charging level, light conditions and charging duration.
Data access form: with Java - no Java
Reduced statistical data as an ASCII file (see instructions)
Freja home page
Contact persons
Spacecraft anomaly prediction
SPEE home page
17.10. 2003 - Ari Viljanen (email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi)
ESTEC contract 11974/96/NL/JG(SC) (*)