ACE = Advanced Composition Explorer (satellite)
AGU = American Geophysical Union
CME = coronal mass ejection
ESA = European Space Agency
ESOC = European Space Operations Centre
ESTEC = European Space Research and Technology Centre
FMI = Finnish Meteorological Institute
FMI/GEO = Geophysical Research Division of FMI
GSC = Geological Survey of Canada
GSFC = Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
IPS = Ionospheric Prediction Service (Australia)
IRF = Institutet för rymdfysik (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
IRF-K = Kiruna Division of IRF
IRF-STL = Solar-Terrestrial (Lund) Division of IRF
IRF-U = Uppsala Division of IRF
ISES = International Space Environment Service
MHD = magnetohydrodynamics
MSFM = Magnetospheric Specification and Forecast Model
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)
NASCAP = NASA Charging Analysis Program
NGDC = National Geophysical Data Center (USA)
NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
NSF = National Science Foundation (USA)
NSWP = National Space Weather Program (USA)
NWRA = Northwest Research Associates
SC or S/C = spacecraft
SEC = Space Environment Center (NOAA)
SEPE = solar energetic particle event
SOHO = Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
SPEE = Study of Plasma and Electron Environment and Effects (originally SPE)
SPENVIS = SPace ENVironment Information System
STD = Solar Terrestrial Dispatch (University of Lethbridge, Canada)
STP = solar-terrestrial physics
WP = Work package
List of STEP-related acronyms and abbreviations (NASA).
SPEE home page
17.10. 2003 - Ari Viljanen (email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi)
ESTEC contract 11974/96/NL/JG(SC) (*)