Geophysical Research Division /
Finnish Meteorological Institute
URSI XXV Convention on Radio Science - Instructions for writing abstracts
Latest information
Deadline for sending abstracts is postponed to August 18. Send abstracts (and late ones) to Risto Pirjola ( Late abstracts may be included in the program if space permits.
All abstracts scheduled for presentation at the meeting will be published in the Finnish Meteorological Institute Reports series. The publication will be printed by offset directly from the typescript. Abstracts will appear exactly as they are submitted.
Abstracts should be sent in electronic form (as PostScript or PDF files; PDF preferable!). Please download the sample abstract including the details:
Difficulties in producing PDF or PostScript?
In case that you cannot prepare PostScript or PDF files, try RTF or Microsoft Word (or even plain ASCII if there are no figures). Send the file electronically to Ari Viljanen (no later than August 15), and a paper copy by mail (Ilmatieteen laitos, geofysiikan tutkimus, PL 503, 00101 Helsinki). Do not leave this to the last minute! Some editorial work may be required, and the hardcopy is necessary for checking the layout. Specific note: if your default font is Times New Roman, change it to Times in the abstract document.
Meeting home page
Latest update on August 16, 2000,