21-22 September 2000
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company: ______________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone/fax/email: _________________________________________________________
Title(s) of presentation(s) (indicate also your preference: oral/poster):
Until September 8:
21-22 September: 150 FIM ______
21 September: 100 FIM ______
22 September: 100 FIM ______
After September 8 and on-site: add 50 FIM to the above-mentioned fees. On-site payment is possible only in cash.
Undergraduate students: free of charge. An advance registration is required until September 8.
The registration fee includes the abstract book, coffee and evening reception at the Finnish Meteorological Institute on 21 September.
Payments to:
URSI XXV Convention on Radio Science
c/o Finnish Meteorological Institute
Leonia Bank 800011-22350
Please return the completed registration form with a copy of payment information to:
Ari Viljanen
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Geophysical Research Division
P.O.B. 503, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland
Fax: +358-9-1929 4603
Registration form in other formats: