On the current-voltage relationship in fluid theory P. Janhunen Accepted in Annales Geophysicae, 1998 Abstract: The kinetic theory of precipitating electrons with Maxwellian source plasma yields the well-known current-voltage relationship (CV-relationship; Knight formula), which can in most cases be accurately approximated by a reduced linear formula. We study the question whether it is possible to obtain this CV-relationship from fluid theory, and if yes, to what extent it is physically equivalent with the more accurate kinetic counterpart. Answering this question is necessary before one can feasibly try to understand questions like how one could combine time-dependent and transient phenomena such as Alfv\'enic waves with a slowly evolving background described by the CV-relationship. We first compute the fluid quantity profiles (density, pressure etc.) along a flux tube based on the kinetic theory solution. We find that a parallel potential drop accumulates plasma (and pressure) below it, which explains why the current is linearly proportional to the potential drop in the kinetic theory even though the velocity of the accelerated particles is only proportional to the square root of the accelerating voltage. Electron fluid theory reveals that the kinetic theory results can be reproduced, except for different numerical constants, if and only if the polytropic index $\gamma$ is equal to three, corresponding to one-dimensional motion. The convective derivative term ${\bf v}\cdot\nabla{\bf v}$ provides the equivalent of the ``mirror force'' and is therefore important to include in a fluid theory trying to describe a CV-relationship. In one-fluid equations the parallel electric field, at least its functional form, emerges self-consistently. We find that the electron density enhancement below the potential drop disappears because the magnetospheric ions would be unable to neutralize it, and a square root CV-relationship results, in disagreement with kinetic theory and observations. Also, the potential drop concentrates just above the ionosphere, which is at odds with observations as well. To resolve this puzzle, we show that taking into account outflowing ionospheric ions restores the possibility of having the acceleration region well above the ionosphere, and thus the electron kinetic (and fluid, if $\gamma=3$) theory results are reproduced in a self-consistent manner. Thus the inclusion of ionospheric ions is crucial for having a feasible CV-relationship in fluid theory. Constructing a quantitative fluid model (possibly one-fluid) which reproduces this property would be an interesting task for a future study.