This section describes functions from file sppc.ct.
[] = curve(x,y...)
curve(x,y) adds a curve in the current SPPC panel.
SPPC option-value pairs can be added as further arguments.
Do 'help sppcopts' for list of possible options.
See also:
Error codes:
1: Could not open temporary MTV file
2: First argument (x) not a real vector
3: Second argument (y) not a real vector
4: First two arguments of different lengths
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
[] = endpanels(...)
endpanels() finishes the current SPPC page by drawing
the pending panels. Do 'help sppcopts' for list of valid options.
Additionally, endpanels recognizes option "output". If set to non-empty string,
it stores the SPPC code in the named file instead of calling ghostview,
e.g.: endpanels("output","myfile.sppc").
You can then do e.g.
sppc -papertype 8x14cm -landscape <myfile.sppc >
See sppc -help for possible options. This enables "blind" batch mode runs.
See also:
Error codes:
1: Calling endpanels before calling curve or pseudo
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
[] = panel(...)
panel() finishes the current SPPC panel by drawing the pending
curve and pseudo objects.
Do 'help sppcopts' for list of valid options.
See also:
Error codes:
1: Calling panel before calling curve or pseudo
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
[] = pseudo(x,y,z...)
pseudo(x,y,z) plots a pseudocolor plot in the current SPPC panel.
SPPC option-value pairs can be added as further arguments,
for example, pseudo(x,y,z,"interp","true) uses smooth rendering.
Do 'help sppcopts' for list of valid options.
See also:
Error codes:
1: Could not open temporary MTV file
2: First argument (x) not a real vector
3: Second argument (y) not a real vector
4: Third argument (z) not a real matrix
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
9: Third argument (z) dimensions do not match x,y lengths
[] = sppcmark(x,y...)
sppcmark(x,y) sets a marker in the current SPPC panel.
The following options can be given, in addition to those
listed under 'help sppcopts':
Option Type Explanation
------ ---- -----------
label string Text to draw at (x,y)
markertype integer 0=none,1=dot,2=+,3=X,4=box,5=filled box,
6=diamond, 7=filled diamond, 8=triangle,
9=filled triangle, 10=inverted triangle,
11=filled inverted triangle, 12=circle,
13=filled circle
markersize real in points (1/72 inch), default 6
markercolor 3-vector Color of marker and text
endpoint_x real Draws a line from (x,y)
endpoint_y real to (endpoint_x,endpoint_y).
Current linewidth, linetype, linecolor
are used.
arrow true/false Whether to draw arrowhead at line end
See also:
Error codes:
1: Bad first argument x (not scalar)
2: Bad second argument y (not scalar)
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
[] = sppcopts(...)
sppcopts([,"option",value,...]) provides a method for giving
SPPC options without using any SPPC primitive. The following
options can be given. These can also be, and usually are,
attached to the plotting functions themselves (curve, pseudo, etc.).
Options marked with (*) are global, others are reset after
each panel:
Option name Type Explanation
*title string Overall title of page
leftlabel string Left label of this panel
rightlabel string Right label of this panel
xrightlabel string Right label on bottom horiz axis
xleftlabel string Left label on bottom horiz axis
linetype integer 0=none,1=solid,2=dashed,3=dotted,
linecolor 3-vector Curve color, RGB-values in 0..1 range
fillcolor 3-vector Fill color (for filled curves only)
*foreground 3-vector Color of axes, labels etc.
*background 3-vector Background color of page
*framewidth real or int Frame and axis line width, in 1/72-inch
linewidth real or int Curve line width, in 1/72-inch
*xmin,*xmax,ymin, Manually given axis limits,
ymax,zmin,zmax real z refers to pseudocolor scaling
ymin_right,ymax_right real Right vertical axis min,max
rightcurve true/false This curve uses the right vertical axis.
Reset after each curve.
houraxis true/false This xlabels() is hours, render as hh:mm
xlabelskip integer Tick marks between each xlabel (default 1)
*houraxis_x true/false Horizontal axis is hour axis
*grid true/false Whether to draw dotted grid lines
*interp true/false If true, draws pseudocolor surfs smoothly
*palette 3x256 matrix Color palette, Int matrix, values in 0..255
"default" Rainbow palette
*xlog true/false Logarithmic horizontal axis
ylog true/false Logarithmic vertical axis
zlog true/false Logarithmic color scaling for pseudos
*showneg true/false If log scale: show <= 0 values as smallest
*titlefontsize real Size of title font in 1/72-inch units
*labelfontsize real Size of side label font
*axisfontsize real Size of axis tickmark label font
*annotfontsize real Size of marker label font
*usebinary true/false Default true; if false, uses ASCII in tmpfile
panelheight real Relative height of panel, default 1.0
Using SPPC in batch mode: see endpanels.
See also:
Error codes:
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value
[] = xlabels(x,y...)
xlabels(x,y) puts a xlabel vector to SPPC page.
xlabels(x,y,"houraxis","true") assumes y represents hours
and renders the labels as hh:mm.
Do 'help sppcopts' to see other valid options (especially
rightlabel and leftlabel).
See also:
Error codes:
1: Could not open temporary MTV file
2: First argument (x) not a real vector
3: Second argument (y) not a real vector
4: First two arguments of different lengths
5: Odd number of arguments
6: Option name not a string
7: Unknown option
8: Bad option value