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8. fft.ct

This section describes functions from file fft.ct.

8.1 cosFFT

[f] = cosFFT(u; dim)
 cosFFT(u) gives the cosine Fast Fourier Transform of array u.
   If u's rank is more than one, the transform is computed
   only along the first dimension (many independent 1D

   cosFFT(u,dim) computes the FFT along the specified dimension.
   The first dimension is labeled 1 and so on.

   For vector u, f=cosFFT(u) is equivalent with

   n = length(u); f = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       f[j] = u[1] - (-1)^j*u[n] + 2*sum(u[2:n-1]*cos((1:n-2)*(j-1)*pi/(n-1)));

   Note that cosFFT is most efficient when n-1 is a product of small
   primes, where n is the transform length.
See also: invcosFFT, sinFFT, cosqFFT, sinqFFT, realFFT, FFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.2 cosqFFT

[f] = cosqFFT(u; dim)
 cosqFFT computes the quarter-wave cosine Fourier transform.
   Except for the quarter-wave cosine character, it works similarly to cosFFT.
   For vector u, f=cosqFFT(u) is equivalent with

   n = length(u); f = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       f[j] = u[1] + 2*sum(u[2:n]*cos((2*j-1)*(1:n-1)*pi/(2*n)));
   cosqFFT is most efficient when the transform length is a product
   of small primes.
See also: invcosqFFT, realFFT, sinqFFT, FFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.3 invcosFFT

[f] = invcosFFT(u; dim)
 invcosFFT() is the inverse of cosFFT().
   Actually invcosFFT differs from cosFFT only by normalization,
   but it is provided as a separate function for convenience.
   For vector f, u=invcosFFT(f) is equivalent with

   n = length(f); u = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       u[j] = (f[1] - (-1)^j*f[n] + 2*sum(f[2:n-1]*cos((1:n-2)*(j-1)*pi/(n-1))))/(2*n-2)
See also: cosFFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.4 invcosqFFT

[f] = invcosqFFT(u; dim)
 invcosqFFT() is the inverse of cosqFFT()
   (inverse quarter-wave cosine Fourier transform).
   For vector f, u=invcosqFFT(f) is equivalent with

   n = length(f); u = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       u[j] = (1/n)*sum(f*cos((2*(1:n)-1)*(j-1)*pi/(2*n)));
See also: cosqFFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.5 invsinFFT

[f] = invsinFFT(u; dim)
 invsinFFT() is the inverse of sinFFT().
   Actually invsinFFT differs from sinFFT only by normalization,
   but it is provided as a separate function for convenience.
   For vector f, u=invsinFFT(f) is equivalent with

   n = length(f); u = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       u[j] = (1/(n+1))*sum(f*sin((1:n)*j*pi/(n+1)));
See also: sinFFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.6 invsinqFFT

[f] = invsinqFFT(u; dim)
 invsinqFFT() is the inverse of sinqFFT()
   (inverse quarter-wave sine Fourier transform).
   For vector f, u=invsinqFFT(f) is equivalent with

   n = length(f); u = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       u[j] = (1/n)*sum(f*sin((2*(1:n)-1)*j*pi/(2*n)));
See also: sinqFFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.7 sinFFT

[f] = sinFFT(u; dim)
 sinFFT(u) gives the sine Fast Fourier Transform of array u.
   If u's rank is more than one, the transform is computed
   only along the first dimension (many independent 1D

   sinFFT(u,dim) computes the FFT along the specified dimension.
   The first dimension is labeled 1 and so on.

   For vector u, f=sinFFT(u) is equivalent with

   n = length(u); f = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       f[j] = 2*sum(u*sin((1:n)*j*pi/(n+1)));

   Note that sinFFT is the most efficient when n+1 is a product of
   small primes, where n is the transform length.
See also: invsinFFT, cosFFT, sinqFFT, cosqFFT, realFFT, FFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

8.8 sinqFFT

[f] = sinqFFT(u; dim)
 sinqFFT computes the quarter-wave sine Fourier transform of array u.
   Except for the quarter-wave sine character, it works similarly to sinFFT.
   For vector u, f=sinqFFT(u) is equivalent with

   n = length(u); f = zeros(n);
   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
       f[j] = (-1)^(j-1)*u[n] + 2*sum(u[1:n-1]*sin((2*j-1)*(1:n-1)*pi/(2*n)));

   sinqFFT is most efficient when the transform length is a product
   of small primes.
See also: invsinqFFT, realFFT, cosqFFT, FFT.
   Error codes:
   -1: First argument not a real array
   -2: Second argument not integer
   -3: Second argument out of range

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