This (i.e. the tela*.tar.gz file) is a binary distribution of Tela-1.13 for Hewlett-Packard HP9000/700 series workstations. To install, put all these files and directories in /usr/local/lib/tela. If you want to install in a different place, say /mydir/tela, then you have to set the environment variable TELAPATH_SYSTEM: setenv TELAPATH_SYSTEM "/mydir/tela/t:/mydir/tela/ct:/mydir/tela:." in your system-wide csh initialization file. Move or link 'tela' in hpux-bin somewhere in your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. The script 'telakka' will not work, because object files are not included in this distribution. To get it working, install from the source code. Also move or link the programs plotmtv and m2t in some public place, as well as the man pages tela.1 and telakka.1. This port has been compiled under HP-UX A.09.05 running on HP9000/755 machine using the system supplied cc, CC and f77 compilers. Optimization with +O3 was used in the C++ compilation. PJ 14.12.1994. *** Known problems in the HPUX port: *** Sometimes problems with import1, load, ... etc I/O functions. No idea where they come from, sometimes import1 even returns error code -14 which should not be possible at all.