RJ / Publications

Publication list

Riku Järvinen



  1. Hybrid Simulations of the Martian Magnetotail Twist
    Zhou J., Liu K., Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Cheng K., Zhang S., Liu Q., Liu Y., Wang Y., Wang R., Wang X., Shang X., Xu Z., Yuan Y.
    ApJ 976 7, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad8159, (11/2024)

  2. Atmospheric ion escape and solar wind deposition as a function of planetary radius
    Hinton P.C., Brain D.A., Schnepf N.R., Jarvinen R., Ramstad R.
    Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc. 533, 4, doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2032, (10/2024)

  3. The Energetic Oxygen Ion Beams in Martian Magnetotail Current Sheets: Hints from the comparisons of two types of current sheets
    Zhang C., Rong Z., Li X., Fränz M., Nilsson H., Jarvinen R., Persson M., Futaana Y., Dong C., Yamauchi M., Gao J., Zhou Y., Wang L., Shi Z., Wei Y., He F., Holmström M., Barabash S.
    Geophys. Res. Lett. 51, 5, doi:10.1029/2023GL107190, (03/2024)

  4. Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions: Vertical Electric Potential Drop and Plasma Dynamics
    Dong Y., Brain D.A., Jarvinen R., Poppe A.R.
    J. Geophys. Res. 129, 2, doi:10.1029/2023JA032050, (02/2024)

  5. Deformations at Earth’s dayside magnetopause during quasi-radial IMF conditions: Global kinetic simulations and Soft X-ray Imaging
    Yang Z.W., Jarvinen R., Guo X.C., Sun T.R., Koutroumpa D., Parks G.K., Huang C., Tang B.B., Lu Q.M., Wang C.
    Earth Planet. Phys. 8, 1, 1-11, doi:10.26464/epp2023059, (01/2024)


  1. Auroral imaging with combined Suomi 100 nanosatellite and ground-based observations: A case study
    Kallio E., Harri A.-M., Knuuttila O., Partamies N., Jarvinen R., Kauristie K., Kestilä A., Kivekäs J., Koskimaa P., Lukkari J.-M., Rynö J., Syrjäsuo M.
    J. Geophys. Res. 128, 5, doi:10.1029/2023JA031414, (05/2023)

  2. Solar Orbiter Data-Model Comparison in Venus' Induced Magnetotail
    Stergiopoulou K., Jarvinen R., Andrews D.J., Edberg N.J.T., Dimmock A.P., Kallio E., Persson M., Khotyaintsev Y.V.
    J. Geophys. Res. 128, 2, doi:10.1029/2022JA031023, (02/2023)

  3. High-energy particle enhancements in the solar wind upstream Mercury during the first BepiColombo flyby: SERENA/PICAM and MPO-MAG observations
    Alberti T., Sun W., Varsani A., Heyner D., Orsini S., Milillo A., Slavin J.A., Raines J.M., Aronica A., Auster H.-U., Barabash S., De Angelis E., Dandouras I., Jarvinen R., Jeszenszky H., Kallio E., Kazakov A., Laky G., Livi S., Mangano V., Massetti S., Moroni M., Mura A., Noschese R., Plainaki C., Plaschke F., Richter I., Rispoli R., Sordini R., Wurz P.
    Astron. Astrophys. 669, A35, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244662, (01/2023)


  1. Ultra-low frequency waves in the Hermean magnetosphere: On the role of the morphology of the magnetic field and the foreshock
    Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Massetti S., Alberti T., Milillo A., Orsini S., De Angelis E., Laky G., Slavin J., Raines J.M., Pulkkinen T.I.
    Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, 24, doi:10.1029/2022GL101850, (12/2022)

  2. Inner southern magnetosphere observation of Mercury via SERENA ion sensors in BepiColombo mission
    Orsini S., Milillo A., Lichtenegger H., Varsani A., Barabash S., Livi S., De Angelis E., Alberti T., Laky G., Nilsson H., Phillips M., Aronica A., Kallio E., Wurz P., Olivieri A., Plainaki C., Slavin J.A., Dandouras I., Raines J.M., Benkhoff J., Zender J., Berthelier J.-J., Dosa M., Ho G.C., Killen R.M., McKenna-Lawlor S., Torkar K., Vaisberg O., Allegrini F., Daglis I.A., Dong C., Escoubet C.P., Fatemi S., Fränz M., Ivanovski S., Krupp N., Lammer H., Leblanc F., Mangano V., Mura A., Rispoli R., Sarantos M., Smith H.T., Wieser M., Camozzi F., Di Lellis A.M., Fremuth G., Giner F., Gurnee R., Hayes J., Jeszenszky H., Trantham B., Balaz J., Baumjohann W., Cantatore M., Delcourt D., Delva M., Desai M., Fischer H., Galli A., Grande M., Holmström M., Horvath I., Hsieh K.C., Jarvinen R., Johnson R.E., Kazakov A., Kecskemety K., Krüger H., Kürbisch C., Leblanc F., Leichtfried M., Mangraviti E., Massetti S., Moissenko D., Moroni M., Noschese R., Nuccilli F., Paschalidis N., Ryno J., Seki K., Shestakov A., Shuvalov S., Sordini R., Stenbeck F., Svensson J., Szalai S., Szego K., Toublanc D., Vertolli N., Wallner R., Vorburger A.
    Nat. Commun. 13, 7390, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-34988-x, (11/2022)

  3. Radar - CubeSat Transionospheric HF Propagation Observations: Suomi 100 Satellite and EISCAT HF Facility
    Kallio E., Kero A., Harri A.-M., Kestilä A., Aikio A., Fontell M., Jarvinen R., Kauristie K., Knuuttila O., Koskimaa P., Loyala J., Lukkari J.-M., Modabberian A., Niittyniemi J., Rynö J., Vanhamäki H., Varberg E.
    Radio Science 57, 10, doi:10.1029/2022RS007516, (10/2022)

  4. Non-thermal escape of the Martian CO atmosphere over time: Constrained by Ar isotopes
    Lichtenegger H.I.M., Dyadechkin S., Scherf M., Lammer H., Adam R., Kallio E., Amerstorfer U.V., Jarvinen R.
    Icarus 382, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115009, (08/2022)

  5. Ultra-low Frequency Foreshock Waves and Ion Dynamics at Mars
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I.
    J. Geophys. Res. 127, 5, doi:10.1029/2021JA030078, (05/2022)


  1. Remote sensing of cometary bow shocks: Modelled asymmetric outgassing and pickup ion observations
    Alho M., Jarvinen R., Simon Wedlund C., Nilsson H., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I.
    Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc. 506, 4, 4735-4749, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1940, (07/2021)

  2. BepiColombo Science Investigations During Cruise and Flybys at the Earth, Venus and Mercury
    Mangano V., Dósa M., Fränz M., Milillo A., Oliveira J.S., Lee Y.J., McKenna-Lawlor S., Grassi D., Heyner D., Kozyrev A.S., Peron R., Helbert J., Besse S., de la Fuente S., Montagnon E., Zender J., Volwerk M., Chaufray J.-Y., Slavin J.A., Krüger H., Maturilli A., Cornet T., Iwai K., Miyoshi Y., Lucente M., Massetti S., Schmidt C.A., Dong C., Quarati F., Hirai T., Varsani A., Belyaev D., Zhong J., Kilpua E.K.J., Jackson B.V., Odstrcil D., Plaschke F., Vainio R., Jarvinen R., Ivanovski S. L., Madár Á., Erdős G., Plainaki C., Alberti T., Aizawa S., Benkhoff J., Murakami G., Quemerais E., Hiesinger H., Mitrofanov I.G., Iess L., Santoli F., Orsini S., Lichtenegger H., Laky G., Barabash S., Moissl R., Huovelin J., Kasaba Y., Saito Y., Kobayashi M., Baumjohann W.
    Space Sci. Rev. 217, 23, doi:10.1007/s11214-021-00797-9, (02/2021)

  3. Particle-In-Cell Modeling of Martian Magnetic Cusps and Their Role in Enhancing Nightside Ionospheric Ion Escape
    Poppe A.R., Brain D.A., Dong Y., Xu S., Jarvinen R.
    Geophys. Res. Lett. 48, 1, doi:10.1029/2020GL090763, (01/2021)


  1. Solar Intensity X-Ray and Particle Spectrometer SIXS: Instrument Design and First Results
    Huovelin J., Vainio R., Kilpua E., Lehtolainen A., Korpela S., Esko E., Muinonen K., Bunce E., Martindale A., Grande M., Andersson H., Nenonen S., Lehti J., Schmidt W., Genzer M., Vihavainen T., Saari J., Peltonen J., Valtonen E., Talvioja M., Portin P., Narendranath S., Jarvinen R., Okada T., Milillo A., Laurenza M., Heino E., Oleynik P.
    Space Sci. Rev. 216, 94, doi:10.1007/s11214-020-00717-3, (07/2020)

  2. Oxygen Ion Escape From Venus Is Modulated by Ultra-Low Frequency Waves
    Jarvinen R., Alho M., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, 11, doi:10.1029/2020GL087462, (06/2020)

  3. Ultra-low frequency waves in the ion foreshock of Mercury: A global hybrid modeling study
    Jarvinen R., Alho M., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I.
    Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc., 491, 3, 4147-4161, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz3257, (01/2020)


  1. Hybrid modelling of cometary plasma environments. II. Remote sensing of a cometary bow shock
    Alho M., Simon Wedlund C., Nilsson H., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Pulkkinen T.I.
    Astron. Astrophys., 630, A45, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201834863, (10/2019)

  2. Planetary magnetic field control of ion escape from weakly magnetized planets
    Egan H., Jarvinen R., Ma Y., Brain D.A.
    Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc., 488, 2, 2108-2120, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz1819, arXiv:1907.02978, (09/2019)

  3. Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and FTEs on the Dayside Magnetopause With and Without Positive IMF Bx Component During Southward IMF
    Hoilijoki S., Ganse U., Sibeck D. G., Cassak P. A., Turc L.,Battarbee M.,Fear R. C., Blanco-Cano X., Dimmock A. P., Kilpua E. K. J., Jarvinen R., Juusola L., Pfau-Kempf Y., Palmroth M.
    J. Geophys. Res., 124, 6, 4037-4048, doi:10.1029/2019JA026821, (06/2019)

  4. Stellar influence on heavy ion escape from unmagnetized exoplanets
    Egan H., Jarvinen R., Brain D.A.
    Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc., 486, 1, 1283-1291, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz788, arXiv:1903.05649, (03/2019)


  1. Precipitation of Hydrogen Energetic Neutral Atoms at the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
    Wang X.-D., Alho M., Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Barabash S., Futaana Y.
    J. Geophys. Res., 123, 8730-8748, doi:10.1029/2018JA025188, (11/2018)

  2. Fast plasma sheet flows and X line motion in the Earth's magnetotail: results from a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation
    Juusola L., Hoilijoki S., Pfau-Kempf Y., Ganse U., Jarvinen R., Battarbee M., Kilpua E., Turc L., Palmroth M.
    Ann. Geophys., 36, 1183-1199, doi:10.5194/angeo-36-1183-2018, (09/2018)

  3. Cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global magnetospheric simulation
    Blanco-Cano X., Battarbee M., Turc L., Dimmock A. P., Kilpua E. K. J., Hoilijoki S., Ganse U., Sibeck D. G., Cassak P. A., Fear R. C., Jarvinen R., Juusola L., Pfau-Kempf Y., Vainio R., Palmroth M.
    Ann. Geophys., 36, 1081-1097, doi:10.5194/angeo-36-1081-2018, (08/2018)

  4. Foreshock properties at typical and enhanced interplanetary magnetic field strengths: results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations
    Turc L., Ganse U., Pfau-Kempf Y., Hoilijoki S., Battarbee M., Juusola L., Jarvinen R., Brito T., Grandin M., Palmroth M.
    J. Geophys. Res., 123, 7, 5476-5493, doi:10.1029/2018JA025466, (07/2018)

  5. Comparison of Global Martian Plasma Models in the Context of MAVEN Observations
    Egan H., Ma Y., Dong C., Modolo R., Jarvinen R., Bougher S., Halekas J., Brain D.A., McFadden J., Connerney J., Mitchell D., Jakosky B.
    J. Geophys. Res., 123, 5, 3714-3726, doi:10.1029/2017JA025068, (05/2018)

  6. Oxygen ion energization at Mars: Comparison of MAVEN and Mars express observations to global hybrid simulation
    Jarvinen R., Brain D.A., Modolo R., Fedorov A., Holmström M.
    J. Geophys. Res., 123, 1678-1689, doi:10.1002/2017JA024884, (02/2018)

  7. Ion acceleration by flux transfer events in the terrestrial magnetosheath
    Jarvinen R., Vainio R., Palmroth M., Juusola L., Hoilijoki S., Pfau-Kempf Y., Ganse U., Turc L., von Alfthan S.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 1723-1731, doi:10.1002/2017GL076192, (02/2018)


  1. Asymmetries in the Magnetosheath Field Draping on Venus' Nightside
    Delva M., Volwerk M., Jarvinen R., Bertucci C.
    J. Geophys. Res., 122, 10396-10407, doi:/10.1002/2017JA024604, (10/2017)

  2. Cold and warm electrons at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
    Eriksson A. I., I. A. D. Engelhardt, M. Andre, R. Bostrom, N. J. T. Edberg, F. L. Johansson, E. Odelstad, E. Vigren, J.-E. Wahlund, P. Henri, J.-P. Lebreton, W. J. Miloch, J. J. P. Paulsson, C. Simon Wedlund, L. Yang, T. Karlsson, R. Jarvinen, T. Broiles, K. Mandt, C. M. Carr, M. Galand, H. Nilsson, C. Norberg
    Astron. Astrophys., 605, A15, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201630159, (09/2017)


  1. Dynamics of planetary ions in the induced magnetospheres of Venus and Mars
    Jarvinen R., Brain D.A., Luhmann J.G.
    Planet. Space Sci., 127, 1-14, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.08.012, (08/2016)

  2. Emission of hydrogen energetic neutral atoms from the Martian subsolar magnetosheath
    Wang X.-D., Alho M., Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Barabash S., Futaana Y.
    J. Geophys. Res., 121, 190-204, doi:10.1002/2015JA021653,(02/2016)

  3. Dust environment of an airless object: A phase space study with kinetic models
    Kallio E., Dyadechkin S., Fatemi S., Holmström M., Futaana Y., Wurz P., Fernandes V.A., Alvarez F., Heilimo J., Jarvinen R., Schmidt W., Harri A.M., Barabash S., Mäkelä J., Porjo N., Alho M.
    Planet. Space Sci., 120, 56-69, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.11.006, (01/2016)


  1. Forcing continuous reconnection in hybrid simulations
    Laitinen T.V., Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Janhunen P.
    Phys. Plasmas 21, 072906, doi:10.1063/1.4890854, (07/2014)

  2. On vertical electric fields at lunar magnetic anomalies
    Jarvinen R., Alho M., Kallio E., Wurz P., Barabash S., Futaana Y.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 2243-2249, doi:10.1002/2014GL059788, (04/2014)

  3. Energization of planetary pickup ions in the solar system
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E.
    J. Geophys. Res., 119 (1), 219-236, doi:10.1002/2013JE004534, (01/2014)


  1. A new 3-D spherical hybrid model for solar wind interaction studies
    Dyadechkin S., Kallio E., Jarvinen R.
    J. Geophys. Res., 118 (8), 5157-5168, doi:10.1002/jgra.50497, (08/2013)

  2. Hemispheric asymmetries of the Venus plasma environment
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Dyadechkin S.
    J. Geophys. Res., 118 (7), 4551-4563, doi:10.1002/jgra.50387, (07/2013)


  1. Kinetic simulations of finite gyroradius effects in the lunar plasma environment on global, meso, and microscales
    Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Dyadechkin S., Wurz P., Barabash S., Alvarez F., Fernandes V.A., Futaana Y., Harri A.-M., Heilimo J., Lue C., Makela J., Porjo N., Schmidt W., Siili T.
    Planet. Space Sci., 74 (1), 146-155, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2012.09.012, (12/2012)

  2. Energetic protons at Mars: Interpretation of SLED/Phobos-2 observations by a kinetic model
    Kallio E., McKenna-Lawlor S., Alho M., Jarvinen R., Dyadechkin S., Afonin V.V.
    Ann. Geophys., 30, 1595-1609, doi:10.5194/angeo-30-1595-2012, (11/2012)

  3. A case study of proton precipitation at Mars: Mars Express observations and hybrid simulation
    Diéval C., Kallio E., Barabash S., Stenberg G., Nilsson H., Futaana Y., Holmström M., Fedorov A., Frahm R.A., Jarvinen R., Brain D.A.
    J. Geophys. Res., 117, A06222, doi:10.1029/2012JA017537, (06/2012)

  4. Magnetic shadowing of high energy ions at Mars and how this effect can be simulated using a hybrid model
    McKenna-Lawlor S., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Afonin V.V.
    Earth Planets Space, 64 (2), 247-256, doi:10.5047/eps.2011.06.039, (03/2012)

  5. Kinetic effects on ion escape at Mars and Venus: Hybrid modeling studies
    Kallio E., Jarvinen R.
    Earth Planets Space, 64 (2), 157-163, doi:10.5047/eps.2011.08.014, (03/2012)

  6. Hybrid simulations of proton precipitation patterns onto the upper atmosphere of Mars
    Diéval C., Kallio E., Stenberg G., Barabash S., Jarvinen R.
    Earth Planets Space, 64 (2), 121-134, doi:10.5047/eps.2011.08.015, (03/2012)


  1. Cassini Plasma Spectrometer and hybrid model study on Titan's interaction: Effect of oxygen ions
    Sillanpää I., Young D.T., Crary F., Thomsen M., Reisenfeld D., Wahlund J.-E., Bertucci C., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P.
    J. Geophys. Res., 116, A07223, doi:10.1029/2011JA016443, (07/2011)


  1. Grid Convergence of the HYB-Venus Hybrid Simulation
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Janhunen P., Pohjola V., Sillanpää I.
    Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference Series 429, ASTRONUM-2009 Proceedings, 193-200, (09/2010)

  2. Widely different characteristics of oxygen and hydrogen ion escape from Venus
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Dyadechkin S., Janhunen P., Sillanpää I.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L16201, doi:10.1029/2010GL044062, (08/2010)

  3. Hemispheric asymmetry of the magnetic field wrapping pattern in the Venusian magnetotail
    Zhang T.L., Baumjohann W., Du J., Nakamura R., Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Du A., Balikhin M., Luhmann J.G., Russell C.T.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14202, doi:10.1029/2010GL044020, (07/2010)

  4. Oxygen ion escape at Mars in a hybrid model: High energy and low energy ions
    Kallio E., Liu K., Jarvinen R., Pohjola V., Janhunen P.
    Icarus, 206 (1), 152-163, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.05.015, (03/2010)


  1. Oxygen ion escape from Venus in a global hybrid simulation: role of the ionospheric O+ ions
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Janhunen P.,Barabash S., Zhang T.L., Pohjola V., Sillanpää I.
    Ann. Geophys., 27 (11), 4333-4348, doi:10.5194/angeo-27-4333-2009, (11/2009)

  2. Hybrid simulations of the O+ ion escape from Venus: Influence of the solar wind density and the IMF x component
    Liu K., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Lammer H., Lichtenegger H.I.M., Kulikov Yu.N., Terada N., Zhang T.L., Janhunen P.
    Adv. Space Res., 43 (9), 1436-1441, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.01.005, pdf, (05/2009)


  1. On the properties of O+ and O2+ ions in a hybrid model and in Mars Express IMA/ASPERA-3 data: A case study
    Kallio E., Fedorov A., Budnik E., Barabash S., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P.
    Planet. Space Sci., 56 (9), 1204-1213, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2008.03.007, (07/2008)

  2. Magnetized Mars: Transformation of Earth-like magnetosphere to Venus-like induced magnetosphere
    Kallio E., Barabash S., Janhunen P., Jarvinen R.
    Planet. Space Sci., 56 (6), 823-827, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2007.12.005, (05/2008)

  3. The Venusian induced magnetosphere: A case study of plasma and magnetic field measurements on the Venus Express mission
    Kallio E., Zhang T.L., Barabash S., Jarvinen R., Sillanpää I., Janhunen P., Fedorov A., Sauvaud J.-A., Mazelle C., Thocaven J.-J., Gunell H., Andersson H., Grigoriev A., Brinkfeldt K., Futaana Y., Holmström M., Lundin R., Yamauchi M., Asamura K., Baumjohann W., Lammer H., Coates A.J., Linder D.R., Kataria D.O., Curtis C.C., Hsieh K.C., Sandel B.R., Grande M., Koskinen H.E.J., Säles T., Schmidt W., Riihelä P., Kozyra J., Krupp N., Woch J., Luhmann J.G., McKenna-Lawlor S., Orsini S., Cerulli-Irelli R., Mura A., Milillo A., Maggi M., Roelof E., Brandt P., Russell C.T., Szego K., Winningham J.D., Frahm R.A., Scherrer J.R., Sharber J.R.
    Planet. Space Sci., 56 (6), 796-801, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2007.09.011, (05/2008)

  4. Hybrid modelling the Pioneer Venus Orbiter magnetic field observations
    Jarvinen R., Kallio E., Sillanpää I., Janhunen P.
    Adv. Space Res., 41 (9), 1361-1374, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.10.003, (02/2008)


  1. Oxygen ions at Titan's exobase in a Voyager 1-type interaction from a hybrid simulation
    Sillanpää I., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P.
    J. Geophys. Res., 112, A12205, doi:10.1029/2007JA012348, (12/2007)

  2. Morphology of the magnetic field near Titan: Hybrid model study of the Cassini T9 flyby
    Kallio E., Sillanpää I., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P., Dougherty M., Bertucci C., Neubauer F.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24S09, doi:10.1029/2007GL030827, (10/2007)

  3. Simulations of solar wind charge exchange X-ray emissions at Venus
    Gunell H., Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P., Holmström M., Dennerl K.
    Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L03107, doi:10.1029/2006GL028602, (02/2007)


  1. Venus-solar wind interaction: Asymmetries and the escape of O+ ions
    Kallio E., Jarvinen R., Janhunen P.
    Planet. Space Sci., 54 (13-14), 1472-1481, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2006.04.030, arXiv:physics/0603243, (11/2006)