MIRACLE All-Sky Camera Locations

The MIRACLE network includes eight all-sky cameras (ASCs), six of which belong to Finnish Meteorological Institute. The ASCs at Sodankylä and Abisko are operated by the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. The ASC in Ny Alesund (ITACA) is operated by the Italian Space Institute in Rome (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IFSI/CNR). The map on the left shows the locations of the digital all-sky camera stations.
If there are no technical faults that prevent using the camera, observations are made every night throughout the whole winter.
The operation of each imager is controlled by the station computer of
the all-sky camera station.
Geographical locations
HAN | Hankasalmi | 62.30 | 26.65 |
NYR | Nyrölä | 62.34 | 25.51 |
MUO | Muonio | 68.02 | 23.53 |
KIL | Kilpisjärvi until summer 2009 | 69.02 | 20.87 |
KIL | Kilpisjärvi since autumn 2009 | 69.05 | 20.78 |
KEV | Kevo | 69.76 | 27.01 |
ABK | Abisko | 68.36 | 18.82 |
SOD | Sodankylä | 67.42 | 26.39 |
LYR | Longyearbyen until spring 2007 | 78.20 | 15.70 |
LYR | Longyearbyen Since autumn 2007 | 78.15 | 16.04 |
NAL | ITACA/Ny Alesund | 78.92 | 11.93 |
DNB | ITACA/Daneborg | 74.31 | 338.78 |
More information: Kirsti Kauristie
e-mail: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi