Space weather servers: Europe
Longer descriptions
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Projects on solar physics.
Solar data and forecasts of solar and geomagnetic activity.
Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf
Charge control of satellites.
Belgian institutes
SPENVIS (SPace ENVironment Information System)
Generation of spacecraft orbits and evaluation of the orbital environment for a specified mission (for registered users).
Sunspot Index Data Center (Royal Observatory of Belgium)
World Data Center-C1 for sunspot index.
TREND (Trapped Radiation Environment Model Development) (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
TREND-3 (Radiation Environments of Astronomy Missions and LEO Missions)
TREND-4 (Time-Dependent Radiation-Belt Space Weather Modelling)
UNIRAD (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
Overview of the software package developed by and for ESA for evaluation of the radiation fluences and doses expected in a spacecraft for a mission defined by given orbital characteristics.
Sample results obtained with UNIRAD.
British Geological Survey
Geomagnetism Information and Forecast Service.
Geomagnetic field values and indices.
Forecasts of the geomagnetic and solar activity.
Space Technology Research Department.
Charged particles and radiation induced discharges effects of induced electrification.
Electronic components in a space environment.
Materials in a space environment.
Danish Meteorological Institute
Solar activity and climate
Short overview of space weather studies at DMI.
Links to case studies.
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK)
Spacecraft environment and protection.
DX-Listeners' Club
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
Overview and forecast based on data from Solar Terrestrial Dispatch, Space Environment Center, IPS, NASA and Lockheed Martin.
General background of the space environment.
Demo of space environment analysis tools.
Examples of radiation dose graphs (calculated by UNIRAD).
Solar and geomagnetic data downloaded daily from NOAA.
Proceedings of the ESA 1996 Symposium on Environment Modelling for Space-Based Applications
Space debris activities
Short overview of ESOC activities.
Space Systems Environment Analysis
Ulysses data archive
Data from 11 instruments.
Ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling simulations (GUMICS)
Description of the 3-D MHD model with several examples.
Effects of geomagnetic storms on pipelines and power systems
Description of geomagnetically induced currents and their research in Finland.
WWW server of SPEE.
Space weather and artificial intelligence
Introduction to space weather and artificial intelligence (AI).
Presentation of the Lund space weather AI model.
Regions of interest: solar activity -> solar wind -> magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling -> effects (space & ground); physical interpretation of AI.
Examples of predictions (of events occurred earlier - also real time AE).
Development of AI methods in spacecraft anomaly predictions (SAAPS)
Archive of SWEN (Space Weather Euro News).
Freja charging database (on SPEE server hosted by FMI/GEO).
Make More Miles On VHF
Information of solar activity, auroras and meteor scatter for VHF radio amateurs.
SOHO and TRACE instruments access
Online cosmic rays
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Yohkoh Data Archive Centre
Information of data from all the Japanese Yohkoh mission instruments.
Information and guide for using Yohkoh analysis software.
On-line images.
Observatoire de Paris
BASS 2000 (BAse Solaire Sol 2000)
Solar data archive.
Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees
BASS2000 Solar Database - Main Center
Solar data archive.
Paris-Meudon Regional Warning Center
Data and forecasts of solar and geomagnetic activity.
Paul Scherrer Institute
Radiation Environment Monitor
Recent measurements of the outer radiation belt.
Radio Nederland
Solar Guide
Guide for using geophysical alert broadcasts.
Radio Society of Great Britain
Propagation Studies Committee
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Cluster/Ground-Based Data Centre
Coordination of ground-based observations.
Information of ground-based instruments.
New auroral oval indices.
Real time ionospheric maps (Europe)
UK Co-ordinated Data Handling Facility for Solar Terrestrial Physics
On-line data (partly public):
ISTP Key Parameters.
AMPTE IRM and UKS prime parameters data.
The latest uncertified ISTP Key Parameters for Geotail, Polar and Wind from GSFC.
Test Prime and Summary parameter (and plot) files from Cluster.
SCATHA summary parameter data produced for CSDS.
CRRES Science Summary Database.
UK Six Metre Group
Some archived articles concerning ionospheric conditions from the viewpoint of radio propagation
University College London/Atmospheric Physics Laboratory
Modelling of the coupled thermosphere/ionosphere system.
University of Oulu
Space Physics Textbook
Overview of the basic items in ionospheric-magnetospheric physics with the emphasis focused on high-latitude regions.
Virtual Library for A/STP&C
Extensive link collection of aeronomy, solar-terrestrial physics and chemistry.
University of Southampton
Space debris modelling
Detailed software description.
University of Surrey
Space Radiation Studies
Short overview.
SPEE home page
17.10. 2003 - Ari Viljanen (email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi)
ESTEC contract 11974/96/NL/JG(SC) (*)