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The general modelling method of GIC in power grids is described in

Viljanen, A., R. Pirjola, M. Wik, A. Adam, E. Pracser, Ya. Sakharov and Yu. Katkalov, 2012: Continental scale modelling of geomagnetically induced currents. J. Space Weather Space Clim., 2, A17, doi:10.1051/swsc/2012017.

The Finnish power grid demo model uses parameters which were valid in the end of 1970's. For details, see

Pirjola, R. and M. Lehtinen, 1985: Currents produced in the Finnish 400 kV power transmission grid and in the Finnish natural gas pipeline by geomagnetically-induced electric fields. Ann. Geophys., 3, 485-491.

Viljanen, A., R. Pirjola, E. Pracser, S. Ahmadzai, and V. Singh, 2013: Geomagnetically induced currents in Europe: Characteristics based on a local power grid model. Space Weather, 11, 575-584, doi:10.1002/swe.20098.

The Norwegian power grid demo model approximates the expected situation in 2030 as described by

Myllys, M., A. Viljanen, Ø.A. Rui and T.M. Ohnstad, 2014: Geomagnetically induced currents in Norway: the northernmost high-voltage power grid in the world. J. Space Weather Space Clim., 4, A10, doi:10.1051/swsc/2014007.

We note that Myllys et al. applied a more accurate power grid model than is used in this product. For example, they handled autotransformers properly and used precise resistance values at substations.