Science Council

The IMAGE Science Council serves as a discussion and governing forum in matters where the IMAGE Consortium wants to appear as one unity. The Science Council is composed of representatives of the contributor institutes and Associate Members.

The Science Council Chair is:

Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen

The Vice-Chair is:

Tero Raita

The Associate Members are:

Hermann Lühr, GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences, Germany

Hermann Opgenoorth, Umeå University, Sweden

Ian Mann, University of Alberta, Canada

Karl Laundal, University of Bergen, Norway

The SC composition, PI institute, and PI are revised every four years. The current composition is valid from Nov 2022 to Nov 2026.


  1. Oct 2017, Niemegk, Germany. Minutes
  2. Sep 2019, Uppsala, Sweden. Minutes
  3. Apr 2022, online. Minutes
  4. Oct 2022, Helsinki, Finland. Minutes
  5. Nov 2022, online. Minutes
  6. Feb 2024, online. Minutes
  7. Sep 2024, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. Minutes
  8. Next meeting: TBD
Updated: 15 Oct 2024 - LJ