IMAGE organization

The original collaborators of the IMAGE project are

Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland

is the PI institute of IMAGE. Partly together with SGO, FMI operates TAR, NUR, HAN, MEK, OUJ, RAN, PEL, MUO, KIL, IVA, KEV and MAS.

Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO), Finland

operates SOD and participates in the technical service of the northern stations. Since August 1, 1997, Sodankylä is organisationally a separate unit of the University of Oulu.

German Research Centre For Geosciences (GFZ), Germany

The Adolf-Schmidt Observatory of GFZ was previously responsible for most of the routine processing of the data. GFZ re-joined IMAGE in January 2017 with WNG and NGK.

Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany

was the original coordinator of the project supplying the instrumentation to six northern stations (PEL, MUO, KIL, MAS, KEV, SOR).

With new stations also new institutes have joined us:

Tromsø Geophysical Observatory (TGO) of UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Norway

operates AND, BJN, DOB, DON, HOP, JCK, KAR, LYR, NAL, NOR, RVK, SOL, SOR, TRO, HAR, RST and JAN and also participates in the maintenance of MAS.

Institute of Geophysics (IG), Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), Poland

operates HOR whose data have been included in IMAGE since October 1993. BRZ and SUW were included in IMAGE in 2015, and HLP and PPN in 2018.

Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI), Russia

operates LOZ. A fire destroyed the first station in January 1995, and of the first observation period there are good data available only of October-December, 1994. LOZ joined IMAGE again in January 1996.

Update on 24 May 2022: PGI membership is suspended due to Russian aggression and the invasion of Ukraine.

Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Sweden

provides data from KIR since the beginning of 1996 and from LYC since July 1998.

Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Sweden

joined IMAGE in January 1998 with ABK and UPP. Since 2006, SGU has been in charge of the geomagnetic recordings of LYC. Stations AAL, GOT, HAS, NRA, FKP, and VXJ were included in IMAGE in October 2022.

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

joined IMAGE in April 2022 with ROE, SIN, BOR, HOV, NRD, NAQ, KUL and SCO.

Science Institute (SI), University of Iceland, Iceland

joined IMAGE in October 2022 with LRV.

Updated: 15 Oct 2024 - LJ