Updates and important changes of the SPEE server
The latest one given first
August 26, 2005
Some broken links fixed or removed.
July 13, 2001
Spacecraft anomaly prediction page updated.
September 7, 2000
Freja charging database updated.
July 31, 2000
Appendix part of the Technical Note of WP120 was earlier accidentally forgotten on the server. Now it is available on the document page.
September 20, 1999
Freja charging pages partly modified.
September 14, 1999
We are finally back after a long break due to the crash of our server!
September 14, 1999
Final Report available on-line.
April 26, 1999
Technical Notes of WP110 and WP130 available on-line.
January 11, 1999
Feedback form added.
December 28, 1998
User/Software Requirements Document of WP330 available on-line.
December 22, 1998
Technical Note of WP120 available on-line.
December 1, 1998
Several stylistic modifications.
November 30, 1998
User/Software Requirements Document of WP320 available on-line.
November 30, 1998
User requirements document of WP320 available on-line.
November 30, 1998
Short description of SPEE added.
Statement of work added (PDF file).
October 12, 1998
Technical note of WP310 available on-line.
June 17, 1998
Access to Freja charging data modified. Access without Java made possible too.
June 12, 1998
Several cosmetic changes.
May 26, 1998
Home page modified.
May 4, 1998
Some tips added for the use of this server.
April 30, 1998
Contents page of this server.
April 2, 1998
New search tool (for strings).
March 25, 1998
File names changed to lowercase letters. This concerns only few files.
March 3, 1998
Shortcuts to solar-terrestrial forecasts.
November 20, 1997
Log file of internal pages written separately. (Access restricted to the project partners.)
November 17, 1997
Shortcuts to near real time solar-terrestrial data.
September 18, 1997
Simple search tool added.
September 9, 1997
SPEE server opened for public access.
July 22, 1997
URL changed to http://www.geo.fmi.fi/spee/. The old link http://www.geo.fmi.fi/spe/ still works too.
April-May, 1997
Modifications to the SPEE WWW server according to suggestions at PM2. Note the change of the acronym from SPE to SPEE.
February 27, 1997
Longer descriptions of European space weather servers started to be written.
February 18, 1997
Access to this server allowed for project participants.
February 12, 1997
Glossary added.
January 9, 1997
Creation of space weather server link pages partly automatized and classification improved.
December 9, 1996
Short work package descriptions added.
List of contributors added.
Some reorganization of pages.
December 4, 1996
Information of key word searches added.
October 2, 1996
This page was created. Only local access (one computer).
Construction of the link collection to other servers started.
SPEE home page
17.10. 2003 - Ari Viljanen (email: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi)
ESTEC contract 11974/96/NL/JG(SC) (*)