
Easter record high UV Index measured in Sodankylä

Daily maximum UV index measured at Sodankylä in 2019 plotted together with maxima, minima and averages of the measurement period 1990-2019.

The spring starts to turn to summer in Lapland also regarding measured ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV Index 3 was measured in Sodankylä during Easter, which is record high for this time of the year. The maximum was reached due to high pressure area over the whole Scandinavia. During such conditions total ozone column is typically lower than in average, which leads to higher than typical UV levels. Ozone profile measured at Sodankylä reveals several layers of high and low ozone content. The profile also shows very low ozone concentration at 10-11 km of altitude, which is untypical for April. Lapland is still snow covered causing strong reflections from the snow surface, which further increases UV radiation reaching the human face. Therefore, it’s time to take out sunscreen and remember proper sun protection of the skin and eyes

Further information:

UV measurements: Kaisa Lakkala,

Ozone measurements: Tomi Karppinen,

Ozone measurements, ozone soundings: Rigel Kivi,

Ozone profile over Sodankylä on 19th April with distinct layers on left. On right, total ozone over Scandinavia on 20th April.
Spectral UV measurements are performed with the Brewer spectroradiometer in Sodankylä since 1990. Note the bright snow cover which reflects solar light and UV radiation.

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