Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News

Arctic Space Centre kicks off a new satellite acquisition service

Timo Ryyppö, FMI (Left) and Simon Elliott, EUMETSAT (Right).

EUMETSAT representatives visited the FMI Arctic Space Centre (FMI-ARC) in Sodankylä, Finland, to kick off the Haiyang (HY-2) reception service for Near-Real-Time (NRT) data processing. The new service greatly improves the value and end-to-end timeliness of the global marine data.

The satellite acquisition service allows EUMETSAT to redistribute Chinese HY-2  marine satellite data to its users via EUMETCast (EUMETSAT’s primary dissemination mechanism for the near real-time delivery of satellite data and products). EUMETSAT acts as the communications link between FMI-ARC Sodankylä and the National Satellite Ocean Application Service NSOAS (State Oceanic Administration of the People’s Republic of China), whilst being a cooperating partner and technical interface between the agencies.

EUMETSAT and FMI have been running a pilot service since 2018, which turned operational in summer 2019. The HY-2 data acquisition service is currently handling two HY-2A passes per day. In the following weeks, the service will transition to HY-2B delivering five passes per day initially, and may be extended to seven passes per day in the medium term.

“FMI-ARC is a leading provider of real-time services and this is a chance for us to support this type of initiative” Timo Ryyppö, Head of the Sodankylä Satellite Data Centre said. “Personally, I feel very satisfied that our long-term work is recognised by a big player such as NSOAS, and this will encourage us to reach new levels where even the sky isn’t the limit”, Ryyppö continued.

More information:

Timo Ryyppö, Head of Sodankylä Satellite Data Centre,,

Eumetsat news link:

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