The Finnish Space Situational Awareness Center began preparatory work in December 2024, and among the first steps was the preparation of public websites. Now, after two months of work, these public websites have been launched.
The date and place chosen for the website launch was the “Winter Satellite Workshop ” held in Otaniemi January 2025 , during which the future center’s operations were presented publicly to space actors at a general level in connection with the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s exhibition stand.
The website of the Finnish Space Situation Center is in Finnish and thus, in the initial phase, its content will present the centre’s future operational activities and familiarise visitors with the subject area. New content will be developed and published as the centre’s development work progresses. The website will finally be operational at the end of 2026, at which time the site is intended to produce relevant, up-to-date space situation information for citizens and stakeholders.
The news section of the website will focus on international topics related to space situational information and especially on Finnish space activities. We will monitor, among other things, satellites of Finnish operators (i.e. those in the Finnish space register). We want to serve everyone interested in the topic area through the website.
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