FMI organization. Image FMI.
Space and Earth Observation Centre
Director Jouni Pulliainen
Earth Observation Research
Head of Unit Johanna Tamminen
Groups: Cryospheric processes (Juha Lemmetyinen), Atmospheric remote sensing (Seppo Hassinen), Greenhouse gases and satellite methods (Hannakaisa Lindqvist)
Space Reseach and Observation Technologies
Head of Unit Ari-Matti Harri
Groups: Planetary research and space technology (Maria Genzer), Space weather research (Tiera Laitinen), Nowcasting and Intelligent Traffic Weather Research (Timo Sukuvaara)
Arctic Space Centre
Head of Unit Jyri Heilimo
Groups: Satellite services and research (Kari Luojus), Sodankylä satellite data center (Timo Ryyppö)
Contact Information Helsinki
Contact address:
P.O. BOX 503
Dynamicum Street address:
Erik Palménin aukio 1
e-mail address: registry@fmi.fi
tel. +358 29 539 2141 mobile +358 50 407 9003
fax +358 29 539 2303
e-mail addresses: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi