Category: News
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Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News
INTERACT Transnational Access Call for 2024 is open!

As a result of the National Space Situational Awareness Centre, Finland would have the capability to assess the harm and danger caused by space

Reaktor Hello World satellite re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News
FMI’s 185-year history in the Arctic was celebrated in Sodankylä

Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News
AirCore and FTIR measurements at the Arctic Space Centre in Sodankylä

Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News
World reference UV spectroradiometer visited Sodankylä

Report: Finnish space situational awareness centre would promote safety and security

Investigating snow cover in Antarctica

Arctic Space Centre and Sodankylä Space Campus, News